Russian Superfinal 2011

Svidler: “The circus is travelling to Khanty”
By mishanp on August 28, 2011
After Peter Svidler won the 2011 Russian Championship he gave a long interview to Vladimir Barsky for the Russian Chess Federation website. Barsky had been with Svidler at the World Team Championship in Ningbo, China, so had witnessed the dramatic change of fortune between the two events first-hand.
Posted in Russian | Tagged Barsky, Grischuk, Karjakin, Kramnik, Russian Superfinal 2011, Svidler | 46 Responses

Morozevich demonstrates his win against Svidler
By mishanp on August 28, 2011
A little of the shine was taken off Peter Svidler’s victory at the Russian Championship Superfinal when he lost in the final round. The mercurial Alexander Morozevich later showed an audience how he used a rare opening line to beat Svidler and snatch clear second place in the tournament.
Posted in Russian | Tagged Barsky, Morozevich, Russian Superfinal 2011, Svidler | 2 Responses

Svidler demonstrates his win against Timofeev
By mishanp on August 16, 2011
One of the great virtues of grandmasters demonstrating their games straight after they’re over, as they did at the Russian Championship Superfinal, is that we get to see what they actually thought before switching on a computer. Peter Svidler’s commentary on his win in round 5 is a case in point.
Posted in Russian | Tagged Barsky, Russian Superfinal 2011, Svidler, Timofeev | 3 Responses

Morozevich and Grischuk demonstrate their wins
By mishanp on August 13, 2011
All games were decisive in round 4 of the Russian Championship Superfinal, and afterwards Alexander Morozevich and Alexander Grischuk demonstrated their wins for the local audience and those watching the video broadcast. Vladimir Barsky transcribed their comments for the official website, and I’ve translated them below.
Posted in Russian | Tagged Barsky, Grischuk, Karjakin, Morozevich, Russian Superfinal 2011, Timofeev | 5 Responses