3 responses to “Svidler demonstrates his win against Timofeev”

  1. why not just to put a pgn file or a java board? it`s very hard to follow.

  2. Steinitz’ analysis of this defence
    from The Modern Chess Instructor, New York, 1889:


    “Column 12 shows a defence of our own, which, after some trials in Vienna and in America, we hoped to establish as the sound one; but, although against the ordinary line of attack we think the game can be made even, we find we cannot recommend the same, on the grounds pointed out in our note No. 29. (Should Black try to relieve his KN by …f5… leaves the game still in White’s favor.)”

    Column 12:

    1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6

    On principle this ought to be disadvantegeous, as it drives the B where he wants to go.


    White would gain nothing by 4.Bxc6 dxc6 5.Nxe5 Qd4 etc.

    4…Nge7 5.d4

    This attack has been invariably played by the opponents of the author, who (i.e. the author), for a long time favored the defence initiated by the previous move, viz., 4…Re7. But we believe that White will get the best of the position by managing the attack on the Giuoco Piano principle, which we recommend in all variations in which Black’s KB is confined. He ought to proceed with 5.c3 d6 6.d4 Bd7 7.Bc2, etc.

    5…exd4 6.Nxd4 Nxd4 7.Qxd4 b5 8.Bb3 d6

    Threatening to win a piece by c7-c5, followed by c4.

    9.c3 Be6

    Much better than c7-c5, which leaves QP weak.

    10.Bc2 d5 =

  3. Correction:

    Translation error here:

    “..by the previous move, viz., 4…Re7.”

    should naturally be:

    “…by the previous move, viz., 4…Nge7.”

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